Thursday, July 29, 2010


Understanding is the word, I grapple with everyday of my life here at Divyadaan. From the time I entered till date, my life, Salesian Vocation, as a matter of fact, has been a task and concern to understand and know my growth. I firmly, believe that all “I am” today is because of my parents, my family, my friends, my Salesian family and all those whom I know. It’s because they understood me, with and in love. It is a blessing from God that I am here in the studentate of philosophy. My being here and doing philosophy is my love for wisdom, i.e. God. And I make efforts to see and feel God in everything in this beautiful world. Understanding God and others, even myself, is a Gift. And I must say that if God has given me this gift to understand, it is to give my all to Him in my vocation. And it is only through learning and living, through life and experience that, one comes to understand the Truth.

Spirituality is not a thing to be acquired or achieved once and for all, but to know and understand progressively through life-experiences. It must become part of life, as a whole – living in holiness. I am fascinated with the question – When did Don Bosco not pray? That which was asked at the time of his canonization. His life was prayer; his dedication in what he did; his love for poor abandoned youngsters; his motto: to save souls; his love to give Christ; his love for the Church; the Sacraments and the Priesthood which he lived till his death; his zeal to send missionaries all over the world; and his initiatives to work for the kingdom of God. Here was a man filled with God’s love and spirit. I strive daily to follow Christ, in the Don Bosco way, for I feel blessed to walk in his footsteps.

It has been two years and six months that I have professed this way of life and I find joy in living this way. I believe He understands me , no matter who I am ? Where I am? What I am? and How I am? Life is a mystery and ultimately it is life that brings me to a realization, a realization that you and I will only understand this mystery we are humbly open to this Understanding.

Staying here in Divyadaan, I have learnt that it is important to keep learning always, and learning through life experiences whether good or bad, through reading and reflection which helps me to grow up as an analytical and critical person, the application of my viewpoints and experiences, and arriving at a synthesis of life for the betterment of self. I have also learnt through relationships that enable both the one speaking and the one listening, and through prayer and reflection. It is in all this that somewhere, something will happen! This happening is the Understanding of my life and Spirituality. One may ask When will it happen ? I really do not know but being in his presence, sharing my life genuinely with the others is my task. Then hopefully, I will understand the Understanding.

I believe, this Understanding is something that happens to me and in me. It will come about only if I am passionate about it and living it – consciously or unconsciously. And if one is passionate about God and lives a spiritual life 24x7, then surely one will be truly a spiritual person. This does make a difference in one’s life. Thus, I invite myself and you all, to relish such spiritual moments be it in family prayer (the rosary, the morning prayer, night prayer) or be it in the community. Without doubt, with hearts and minds united, and being open to sharing with one another, our life will come to this real Understanding, i.e. GOD.

Cl. Romero D’souza, sdb.

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